
Welcome Back!

We can’t wait to see you. Stop by to say hello. In the meantime, here is some information to help with the transition.

Re-Entry Shock

One of the biggest challenges for students who participate in study abroad can be the difficulty in re-adapting to the realities in the U.S. (otherwise known as ‘re-entry’). After all, when studying abroad, you went through many changes, re-examining your priorities, values, and what you think of yourself and the U.S. The ‘reverse culture shock’ may be more difficult than the ‘culture shock’ you may have felt when abroad. There are usually two elements that characterize a study abroad student's re-entry: 

  • an idealized view of home
  • the expectation of total familiarity (that nothing at home has changed while you have been away)

Often, students expect to be able to pick up exactly where they left off. A problem arises when reality doesn’t meet these expectations. Home may fall short of what you had envisioned, and things may have changed at home: your friends and family have their own lives and things have happened since you’ve been gone. Here are some things you can to do help with your transition:

Become a Global Ambassador!

One of the best ways to get involved with international education is to volunteer with UNH Global is to become a Global Ambassador (GA).  We look for returned study abroad and study away students to become GAs and support students interested in our programs.  It's a great way to talk about your experience and encourage others help others learn more about why global education should become part of their education. GAs represent Global Education at campus events such as U*Day, Open Houses, Pre-departure Orientation, and the Global Education Fair. 

We're accepting new applications now through August 2025.



Post-Study Abroad Academic Opportunities

After you begin to readjust to being back home, visit your academic advisor. Ask about conducting research abroad through the UNH International Research Opportunities Program or applying to a post-baccalaureate fellowship.

Career Development

If you are considering a career with an international component or looking for a job overseas, we also recommend that you visit UNH's Career and Professional Success office. CaPS provides various services for students seeking employment, and this is generally a good place to start looking for international job opportunities.

When you start looking for a job or career, think of the professional and personal growth you've undergone while away. If you can present these skills on your resume and in your interview(s) well, you can impress almost any employer.